Thursday, July 25, 2013

Long time, no blog!

Oh holy 4 months!!! And once again.... I'm drinking, but this time it's a full bottle and half gone... UH OH!

ANYWAY! Lots of things have happened in the past 4 months so we'll start at the beginning.

I got a 3.7 GPA for last semester.... 2 full points than my last time at UCM! YAY!!!  So I'm going back next month!! :)

I applied to the local Disney Store in April... still have yet to hear back..

I started a new journey of becoming a Disney Travel Specialist and today I booked my first trip!! So very excited!! Hence the wine!

Finally, last week my sister had her SON!!  Mr. William Clayton weighing 9 lbs 4 oz and 21.5 in!! 

So I guess it really hasn't been a LOAD of stuff, just seems like it! So if anyone is reading this... and needs a Disney trip planned, LET ME KNOW!!! 

Well, I better step back from the computer and closer to the wine! ;)

See ya real soon!

Monday, March 25, 2013


This post is provided by the consumption of wine...

No, I'm not drunk. I've been working on this 3/4 of a bottle for about 2 hours... I've been doing homework sprinkled with Facebook and Twitter.  So I'm good. 

Just thought I'd post to keep y'all up to date. 

This is the first day back from Spring Break... which consisted of sitting in a dreary St. Louis and going to my cousins funeral... #JOY! And then the LAST day of spring break.... it snows....

I said last year "Next year... next year we will go to the beach.. we will have a 'typical college' spring break!" did that happen? NO! Curse not having money!!!

ANYWAY...ok... I'm starting to feel this bottle a little more... uh-oh.

Next order of business... I'm currently listening to Celtic Women Christmas album... My current obsession with all things Ireland is kinda bad. But at least I found a new obsession to give Disney a break.. :)

I want to go to Europe SOOO freaking bad.. all I can kinda think about really. Next thing you know, I'll start talking in an accent.. dunno from where... but it won't be American. :)

Ok, Lizz... Step AWAY from the computer... YIKES.

See y'all real soon! 

Monday, February 11, 2013


Ok y'all.

This isn't going to be a very long post... Just filling you in on the truck senario...

Tired of waiting...?

OK! Here it is..... Valvoline did it... in the kitchen.... with the candle stick!

Ok... so not really..

But they did do it. They got the wrong filter from Auto Zone and didn't think to cross check it before they put it in.

SO! I got $43 back for the garage fix here in town, $50 for the tow, and $15 for 3 quarts of oil I bought that ended up on the ground. That comes out to $108... BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE! They also threw in a free oil change! WOO HOO!!!

That's about it. Just wanted to share with  y'all..

See ya real soon!!
Lizz Hoormann

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Hello Disney Newbie Followers!!

I'm in a PARTICULARLY content mood. Nothing is OVERLY bad and I just ate so I'm in a pretty good mood! :)

I've had some issues with my truck as of late.  About 2 weeks ago my tranny went out and then about a week ago I lost all oil pressure... and had to get it towed 3 blocks which cost me 50 dollars to find out that it had the wrong filter in it... So of course we go to Valvoline bitching that they messed up... turns out they don't use that type of filter... so who's to blame now... The mystery thickens and still needs to be solved.. DUN DUN DUNNNNNN....

But on a less Clue note... 

School is going well. I'm enjoying all of my classes.  I was in the library today for about 3 hours working on a Religion study guide for a test on Tuesday... SUPER FUN!!! But life seems to be going well since I've been back at school. Just enjoying life of a college student.... which currently involves watching Harry Potter and eating microwaved butter noodles in my dorm on a Thursday night... (Oh how I hate so close yet so far from being 21 in a college town... SIGH)  

And now to a 'World'ly note...

I am itching SO much for Disney as of late... Just to be there in the warm and sun... oh man. So totally home sick. I've made a friend via twitter and her husband is actually a cast member and she is in the parks almost everyday... so talking with her helps quite a bit.  I just can't wait for the day that Jon and I are able to move down there. I know it may not be normal for that to be my dream... to move to Florida to be closer to Disney... But that's what I want. Probably wont happen until later in life.. but I grew up DREAMING about WDW and didn't get it until I was 18. I want to give my kids all the opportunities growing up that I didn't have. Don't get me wrong please, I had a great childhood.. I wasn't spoiled, I was blessed.  I didn't have a cell phone until I was 16 either... Made me a good person, in my eyes of course compared to some people.  So I want my kids to grow up like Jon did... Blessed to be able to go to Disney every two years for two weeks at a time.  It's officially been over a year since I've been to Disney... this is bad.. but I'm in college.. not really supposed to have the money for a Disney trip.. :( 
Oh well. 
That's all for now.

See ya real soon! 

Sunday, January 13, 2013


YAY! It's official! I'm a resident of Warrensburg, Missouri! :)

Jon, my bestfriend and I left St. Louis at about 8:30, stopped for breakfast, and got back on the road and three hours later we arrived in the 'Dirty Burg'!

We got me all moved in and and Brittney had to leave because she starts school tomorrow like everyone else. Boo. So now I'm sitting in Jon's room, we just ordered pizza, and just going to have a good night! :)

So very excited to start this new adventure of my life!

Short post, but that's it. I'm finally here, and the journey of moving is complete!

So my next few blogs will be about school and life...

See ya real soon! :)

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Moving is EXPENSIVE.

Hey y'all!!

As I sit here 10:40...on a Saturday night... I decided to blog.. Yes I know I'm pathetic... leave me alone!

SO! Progress of moving! I started to pack up some stuff Thursday.. and some stuff turned into the majority of everything. My clothes are packed and in my truck. I have a HUGE tupperwear for random crap slowly filling. I have 4 boxes of dvd's ready to go (yes...Four). My futon mattress is in the truck. And today my mom and I went shopping so I now have a rug and a fridge... so more crap to add.. thank Sweet baby Jesus that I have a truck! Along with the rug and mini-fridge, we bought a bunch of little stuff that I'm BOUND to need.. so, hey, why not... LET'S START ANOTHER BOX! So that's a total of 3 'boxes', a fridge, a futon mattress, a rug, two organizing storage thingys, a quesadilla maker, a hamper, and a backpack probably full of clothes.. *Sigh* I'm only moving for 5 months.. you would think I'm moving for a year and across the country!! So excited to get gone!! I'm so ready to be out of here and with my Mr. President! :)

Nothing much going on here in the Gateway to the West... Pretty boring really! Next time I blog I will probably be farther west! :)

See ya real soon, Warrensburg, MO!! :D