Monday, August 29, 2011

My day....

Well it's official folks... WE BOOKED IT!! Ah!! I'm so excited! We are actually going to Disney World December 11-18!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, this past Thursday, the 25th of August, my boyfriend, Jon, came into town to go out of town with my family to an antique car show we go to every year. I was so excited to see him, it was the first time I've seen him since he left for school. And today he left again.  So this morning I was a bit down knowing he had to leave, so we were sitting there just watching tv and he says, "hey, what would you say if we booked Disney today?"  and I just looked at him...and long story short... after clicking "continue" and seeing "congratulations on booking your trip" I cried for about 10 minutes! =] I was so excited!! We still have to pay the rest and book the flight but the important thing is...WE HAVE A ROOM!!! AHHHHHh I have been thinking about it all day! it's crazy! We've been talking about these plans for about a year, it's so weird to actually have money down!! =]

yes there were still tears when his train pulled out of the station, but in the long run, he's mine.. forever.. and as long as we shall live, we will be taking trips to Disney world.  At first, just us.. then with our kids.. and then grandkids! =] I cannot wait for our lives to start!

I love him!! 

Nothing better than watching the
castle change colors and then fireworks! 

Can't wait for it to be just me and him again
in the happiest place on Earth!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

It's happening!!! Disney at Christmas!!!

Wow, it has been forever since a new post! Well here it is, 3 in the morning and I get the urge to write.  Typical. Any whoser... just talking to the boyfriend and we are discussing getting an apartment this coming spring/summer! EEP so exciting!! And to top it off... I finally got a job, so that means Disney is on and we just have to wait to book!! =D And some how, Jedi mind trick I'm thinking, he convinced me to DRIVE down there... ya, 17 hours baby! Just me and him .. in his Jag.. yes, he might be the only 19 yr old ever who has a Jag! But this means I GET TO DRIVE THE JAG!! =DDD  But driving down cuts back the cost SIGNIFICANTLY!! even if I do have to be in a car for 17 hours... again! =] but the 7 days from December 12-18 with totally be worth it! =]

I'm so excited and totally in love with this boy it's stupid.. Can't wait to start our lives together.. which apparently might be happening sooner than expected... it will be interesting to see how the parents are with this.. we are only Sophmores in college after all. hmm.. keep em crossed for us folks.

So yeah, nothing really, if you live or visit Disney in December please comment... I don't know why but I am so freaking out about the weather.  Like seriously... I'm spazzing.. I don't know what to pack.. and for heavens sake, we still have 124 day! Oh Lord save me!  Jon.. keep me grounded please! I'm going to need your love to keep me from having a over-excitement heart attack! YIKES!!  I love you sweetie! MWAH!

Waiting for the bus in Downtown Disney

Well that's all for now folks!
See ya real soon! °o°