Monday, December 24, 2012

One step closer!

Hey y'all!

This isn't going to be a very long post, but I told y'all (for whoever is actually reading) that I would keep you up to date on my journey back to school.

Well yesterday I got my rooming assignment! I HAVE A PLACE TO LIVE! :D
So I got a room, my classes, I just need a meal plan and to pack.. and I'm good!

So very excited to be back... I can hardly stand it.


Just a little rant.. I find that I feel better after getting my frustrations out.. so here we go.. you may stop reading.

OK! So the 23rd (Sunday) was Jon's birthday.... his 21st birthday... Living in a town that mass produces one of the worlds leading beers...I'm a little bit of an alchy already and I am VERY jealous that he can go out and I can't. So last night (Saturday), I went to his house and we had a birthday dinner with his family and everything was all good and yaddi yadda. Well he, his dad, uncles, and a fraternity brother went out at about 11.. got back at 4. He also had tickets with his mom for Wicked today at 1... I laughed at his hungover-ness... and having to function before 9. :) (Yes.. I'm bitter.. and jealous... and a not nice person) AND on top of it.. he didn't even really want to see the show! He loves Wicked.. it was the company he was with... NEXT THING THAT PISSES ME OFF... He decides to go see 'the guys' in OHIO... ON NEW YEARS FREAKING EVE! Oooo.. i'm so upset..

Ok.. I guess I'm done. I'm just so excited to be back at school with him. I can't do with being away from him hardly more than a day.. it's been a year and a freaking half of being apart.... I need to make up for lost time...

UGH! Here's not the place to rant.. but oh well..

See ya real soon!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Been A While

Hey y'all!

Just a forward, It's 5:05 am here in the mid-west and I can't sleep. I was so excited to write a blog tonight (See below) and then when I got here, I found that ALL my photos were gone.. all my imbedded photos.. my background... even my profile pic. So now I'm still excited but I'm also a little miffed.

On to the blog.

It's been a while since my last post.. Just been living life; working and going to school and being a social hermit.

A few weeks ago I got accepted back to University of Central Missouri in Warrensburg. I am so very beyond excited!! Especially since I put in for my dorm assignments this evening, I will be in a single room and I am BEYOND excited! I was, at first, upset when my parents said I couldn't get an apartment with Le Boyfriend. But as it so happens, this ended up for the best, he is now president of his fraternity Lambda Chi Alpha and can not leave the fraternity complex. SO. Here I am, going to be in my own room.. and going to make it as much of a loft apartment as humanly possible. (My tummy is doing all sorts of acrobatics!)

I am so happy to finally, after a year and a half at home under my parent's roof, to be getting back out on my own. I know that this is what I needed to do the needed growing up and 'finding myself'. Although, I have been to the seven levels of Hell and back with Jon because he's there and I'm here. Nothing sexual, but we are just a physical couple not a long distance couple. But after a year and a half... and only taking one 'break' I'd say we did pretty damn good... So I say, "Life, give me your worst! some extent...please be gentle".  I finally found the drive I need to pursue a goal. *NEEDED WALT QUOTE!! "ALL OUR DREAMS CAN COME TRUE IF WE HAVE THE COURAGE TO PURSUE THEM"* I just hope that I can keep that drive to get through this.. As long as I make it through math... I'll be good.. got the history and science out of the way.. ready to Design Graphically and be a Graphic Arts Tech Management major. :D

So that's it for now, I will try to remember to keep you all posted over the next couple of weeks as to where I am.. I will definitely post when I'm settled in and everything.. maybe post some pictures. :)

Night night...or Morning! :)

Monday, August 6, 2012

New feelings and its scaring me!!

So boyfriend's dad brought up possibly going to Colorado this coming winter. I'm SUPER excited!!! But then Jon gave me a choice; Colorado.... or Disney. WOAH DUDE!

Umm hello!? Totally gorgeous!!!!

And then there's this... *Sigh*

On account of me wanting to live in Colorado... I guess I should probably pick it.  But if we don't go to WDW next year... I don't know the next time we will get to go. :( 

I am so torn.. is that pathetic or what?? I've never wanted to go somewhere more than I want to go to Disney... GAH! HELP!!! 

Colorado in winter... or Disney in summer?

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Welp, maybe next time!

So, as you may remember in my last post, there was a possibility of me going to Disney with da boyfrand.  Well not no more.  Oh well, as bad as I want to go, I have to respect that I'm not invited! (HUMPH!!!!!)
BUT!!! Boyfrand did say something about a Disney CRUISE once I graduate (IN A BAJILLION YEARS)! Actually more like 2.5 yrs! :)  And that will probably be the next time I am on Disney property! Sad I KNOW! I REALLY REALLY want to go for my 21st next summer, but I doubt that will happen on account of me going back to University in December and Jon and I wanting to get an apartment.  Apartment leases are for 12 months... so we would be living there on and off all summer. aka no money for Mickey! :( Sad.

It is crazy how it is possible to love a place SO much! It's a marvelous place. Plain and simple.

Before my cousins first trip last summer, I said "be careful, You WILL fall in love and you WILL want to go back. But I'm finding out now that these trips are a HELL of a lot more expensive when you are paying yourself [instead of parents paying]."  She got back and said, "Lizz, you were totally right. I love it and I would go back right now if I had the money!"

Truth is, I feel sorry for those who can't (or don't want to) see the Magic.  Like my parents, they don't get it AT ALL. They (Mom, Dad, Sister) went in 1987, and that was good for them.  My sister went as a nanny in 2003 (Dont know about the year) But she LOVED it. I keep talking about it and talking about it, and everyone in my life is getting UBER upset.  I pinned (pinterest) something to my "Before I Die, I want to..." board that said "Go to Disney World with my best friend!" and mentioned my best friend and my boyfriend, and Sister commented on it "Guess sister will have to wait then...". LONG (and pointless) story short, she loved Disney, until I talked it to death! So I hope I can go with her, my niece, my Disney loving cousin, and her daughter. We can make it a girls trip or something! But really want to go with my sister.

Wow, I ramble.. Don't even know what I said anymore! TEE HEE!

OK! I'm going to be done for now!!!

See Ya Real Soon!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Disney this summer?

The other day my boyfriend, Jon, brought up the opportunity for him to go to Disney World. This was presented to him because his family is going for two weeks and he was asked to watch his brothers for the entire summer, including the two weeks his family is in Disney World.  Every time his family goes, one of the boys is allowed to bring a friend. This year the middle brother, Kevin, gets to bring a friend.  The thing is though, his friend has to leave after the first week for a family event.  So Jon mentioned that I MIGHT be able to fly down for the second week. I have been thinking about it constantly and pricing the park tickets and flights! But I don't even know if I can go. Kevin who is a typical freshman in high school is very protective and loving to his older brother, and wants it to just be the family.  I totally understand that, but by the time they go to WDW Jon will have been living with them for a month. I understand missing your family, but come on! OH PLEASE OH PLEASE let me be able to go! I love it more than anything, and even though I was just there in December, it's totally different with a group of fun loving Disney people! It was fun with just me and Jon, but a different kind of fun. :)

Here's to hoping and praying!
All of us my first time in WDW two years ago!

See Kev!? We were happy then!!!
The family and I got really close by the end of those two weeks! But it's been two years and the boys (and me and Jon) have changed! Really hoping I get the chance to get to know them again! Can you believe his parents didn't think I had a good time!? REALLY!? Silly parents! ;)

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Is It Time To Go Back Yet!?

So sitting here with the 10 yr old that I watch, we are listening to "Welcome To Florida" by Spokesmayne and trying to figure out how recreate these shoes, because I don't want to pay full price for them and I bought similar style shoes today at Target for like 17 dollars! WOO!

SO anyway! I was thinking that I haven't blogged in a while. So I figured I would share with whoever is reading this my amazing trip to Disney!! =]

~This May Take a While~
~I'm going all sorts of legit, pics and all!~

So, we left Sunday December 11 on an early evening flight out of St. Louis. I was so nervous because I haven't flown very much, and I was getting on a plane to go to Disney, and I had been talking about going back for a year and a half.   But my boyfriend was there to calm me down.  I was also slightly angry, we had to stop and change planes in ATL. WAS NOT HAPPY! We had booked a nonstop flight to Orlando, and they changed it on us.  GAH! Not happy! Anyway, we got into Orlando at about 10 pm and after our Magical Express ride, to the resort at 11 ish. Jon and I were so excited to finally be there!  So we ordered a pizza from room service and went to bed.  We had a looongg week ahead! ;) 

In the morning, we ventured out into "The World".  We got breakfast at the resort (we were staying at All-Start Music), and went out to catch the bus to Magic Kingdom, of course!  We left pretty early because I wanted to get there before the park opened (or at least close to opening), well close it was.  But I was so excited! And only having been at peak season in the middle of the summer, we were AMAZED at how small the crowds were! So we did all we wanted in the park at the time and were done by 10! HOLY COW! On to EPCOT!  

So once again, we went through the parks so quickly because the crowds were so small.  Small crowds= short lines= GOING THROUGH THE PARKS QUICK! 

Since we were going through the parks so quickly and we were running out of things to do, we didn't feel the need to rush like both of us were used to.  During the summer, we were running (literally, RUNNING) everywhere to try to get our fix in of everything that we wanted to do.  Trying to get just one more Space Mountain or one more Test Track! ... And we were there for two weeks! So being there for one week and being done with the essentials in two days felt a bit odd.  But we were in wearing shorts in the middle of December... we didn't mind! ;)  

It was such a fun experience, this was our first big trip together.  I mean last year, we went to Chicago via train for a couple of days, which we thought then was a big trip.  We had no idea what we would be doing a year and a half later. And even now, never know what the future will bring, we both want to go to Europe so bad! I want to go for like a month, just jump around from country to country...  ahhh sounds so nice! And I have a friend in England so she could show us the ropes! Oh gosh, I'm rambling again!! OH WELL! Nobody is going to read this anyway!! ;)

I learned a couple things from this trip... One; Go during the off season between Thanksgiving and Christmas, it's cheaper and WAY less people! and Two; I have found out that with Jon and I, it is better to go to WDW with a group.  He enjoys rides that I can't go on (the curse of motion sickness) and I felt bad that he didn't get to go on some of his favorites.  Tower of Terror, Rockin Rollercoaster, Mount Everest, etc. So when we went with his family over the summer, he at least had his little brothers to enjoy it with.  He said it was ok that I didn't want to go on them and he would rather not have gone on them at all if he had to do single rider... which was a total LIE! He lives for those rides and didn't get a chance to go on them. So next time we shall go with a couple of friends or family!

Welp,  I think that's enough typing for one night!!

See ya real soon!!